Friday, November 9, 2012

This Will Be My Epitaph

This topic was brought to us by Maria the Silver Fox. I’ve never met Maria, but I’ve got to tell you, she is one of my favorite people from online interactions.  Period.

He was an Old Fossil in his life.

Now what?00


  1. Now we can polish your fossilized remains and put them into the Natural History Museum. For posterity, and all the world to see. You do know, don't you, that as long as someone remembers us we aren't dead.


    1. "as someone remembers us we aren't dead"

      I like that. Kind of like if no one hears a tree fall, or, conversely, if they do! That also works with Quantum Mechanics.

      But, polishing my remains and putting them in the Natural History Museum? Tut, Tut, let's not get carried away.

  2. Now what? You make a comeback, after all they got away with it in Dallas!

    1. Hmmm ... first I'll have to figure out who dreamed my demise.

  3. I would add below the "Now What?" - "He has started the process of becoming another fossil."

  4. Cunning - as a fossil I guess you could retire to Jurassic Park for reanimation and frightening frolicking.


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