Friday, November 16, 2012


This is a topic I suggested for the Loose Blogger Consortium months ago.  We are never quite the same person we were months ago and this may as well be viewed as coming from someone else!  Smile


Family is, for all its mess and money and efforts and trials and tribulations and … well, for all of it, it is a pleasure!  This past 14 months, both of the Lady F and my kids have been married.  They expanded our family and multiplied our love in the process.  When they have kids, that will multiply it all the more!

And, our kids have friends, friends who at times have found themselves in need and have even lived with us for stretches.  Pleasure multiplied.

In this age of rapid reinvention, we have interconnected across the planet by means of the internet and social media.  I have reconnected with shackman after many a year, a reconnection that would never have happened without social media.  I glow with pride watching Elly, the daughter of Grannymar, speak for ideals whose time has come, as I remember our efforts in the 60’s.  The examples are many and continuous.

Through the interconnections with the brother and sisterhood we have developed over time through the LBC and beyond, pleasure and true family multiply exponentially.  Our family has grown to include so many of us who have interconnected and shared, people who will never meet face-to-face in all likelihood, but have met heart-to-heart.

That is why you will find pictures of trips our family has taken and invitations to see pictures from those weddings I spoke of.  As Sally Forth told her best friend above, this intimate sharing is only for family.  And you are all invited!

It truly is my pleasure.  That is why you will all be sharing Thanksgiving with us as we visit Lafawnda and Flash in San Diego this next week.  We will be taking you along!


  1. It is a pleasure to be part of your family and I look forward to sharing Thanksgiving over the ether.

  2. Save a turkey wing for me! Indeed - this is an extraordinary family and it ois a pleasure to be part of it.

    1. It is a family that is both clear-eyed, confronted with challenges all around yet still caring and very very human emotionally. The LBC and my friends in it - including the commenters! - are a delight and it is a perfect addition to have you along for the ride.

  3. The internet really is a wonder, isn't it? I am amazed when I think about the technology that has developed in my lifetime. I used to say that about my grandparents' lives, but the older I get, the more I see how it has also happened in mine!

    1. I am fascinated by what it is doing both for and to us. Like any tool, it responds to the people and the way they use it.

      I love how you use it.

  4. I'm with GrannyMar, it is such fun to share the happenings of your family. All the best to you and yours, consort.
    Blessings ~ Maxi

    1. Maxi, for better or worse, in thick and thin, we are all in this together. The beauty is that with this group, it is by choice, not circumstance, and that makes the thanks we will all give just that much more special!

  5. Wonderful sentiments - I feel the same way.

    1. Yep! We are family now. Speaking of which, I need to get over to your place!

  6. I was in Delhi last week and asked my host to play the videos of Elly's speech and Grannymar chanting Om Shanti Om. They were zapped and wanted to know how I knew these two remarkable ladies. Boy, did it give me great pleasure to wax eloquent on our LBC family or what! Yes TOF it is a great pleasure to belong to this gang.


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