Friday, November 30, 2012

Doom and gloom

This topic was brought to us by Padmini.  From another it would concern me.  From Padmini, no concern.

My mother’s brother died last night.  It is sad to say goodbye, but this world is the world of the living.  We will meet the dead in oh so many forms as we move on, but while we are alive, our mission is not complete.

So, tonight, rather than spend time working on a very worthy topic from a very worthy individual, I conversed with the living.  I spent hours on the phone talking with my mother about everything under the sun.

I really think that is what a person should do faced with the inevitable.  Face the truth, but don’t cultivate the dreary, don’t stoke the grief.  It will play out in its own time, in each person’s own way.

I salute my uncle and wish him well on his journey.  I embrace my mother, still on this mortal coil.  And, I move on with a deeper appreciation of what it means to be mortal and still alive.



  1. My deepest condolences to your mother. It was wise of you to discuss other things to bring her joy, take her mind away from the loss.
    Blessings ~ Maxi

    1. @Maxi

      Folded in as a natural part of the conversation was talk of the loss, too. It just remained in the context of memories of my uncle's life and the losses Mom has experienced. But, it was not morbid or depressed, it was part of the fabric of our current lives.

  2. My condolences to you and Corky at this time. I( agree, don’t stoke the grief, but do celebrate the memories of the good times.

    1. @Grannymar

      We did. We spoke of many things and had many a laugh. Just as with a fine meal, a mix of emotional ingredients is so much better than one taste alone.

  3. Good approach. It feels right.
    This song may be of interest.

    1. I listened to the song while working and greatly enjoyed its acoustic beauty, but need to return at leisure to pick up content.

      That aside, thank you for the quiet support of our sharing in the face of grief. That is a support that also feels right.

  4. Great post! Yes, we all will have difficult times, but even after the darkest night, the sun will shine again.

    1. @Delirious

      Indeed, these times pass, but more for the child than the spouse, more for the nephew than the sister. My mother has had a rough road over the last 1 1/2 years, for she also lost another close to her in this stretch that I haven't written of.

  5. I am sorry that I come late to comment. I have been having a hectic time and keep getting called away from the computer.

    I have condoled to Corky on FB. My condolences to you via this comment. Knowing your family as I now do, I am sure that your uncle must have been as interesting a chararcter as your older generation relatives have all appeared to me via your posts.

    Three days ago, Padmini wrote in her FB page about our late mother whose 90th birthday it would have been on that day. I did not write nor did Arvind but Barath did on FB too. Both Arvind and I had people calling us on the phone to talk to us about her, and just as you and Corky did, it was cathartic for both of us. I understand how it must have been for Corky to chat like that with you.

    1. @Rummuser

      I think you understand the situation very well. There is also comfort in someone else's understanding like this and I thank you.


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