Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Senior Citizen Texting Codes

Today’s entries for this Fossil and all the other Fossils out there came from a fellow Fossil – and good friend! – Ramana Rajgopaul:



  1. ROFLACGU! I must be an old fossil too, since he sent to to me too.

    1. Let's face it, GM, when it comes to the geology of our lives, the three of us are definitely part of the same stratum! Fossils found around an ancient campfire just waiting for someone to unleash our wisdom!

      Hey. Careful with that chisel and pick, buddy!

      Sorry. I'm back. :-)

  2. You people are "fossels". I grow mushrooms on bones like yours. But I must admit that the mushrooms are a little senile!

    1. No, Mayo, we are fossils, not fossels. Are you consuming the mushrooms? LMDO

      Fossils don't have bones. Fossils are the 3-D mineral images of what once was. You might say that we are stoned.

    2. shackman, you like your single malt on the rocks?

    3. Started out that way but I learned to drink it properly - I am not, however, averse to a nice blend over ice with soda or seltzer added. I just killed my last quart of Glenlivet last nighty. Fortunately payday is tomorrow so liqiuor store here I come!

    4. I like mine neat. I was just playing on our pun theme.

  3. shackman, I thought I was the only one who loves Scotch Whiskey. When I get old enough, I will drink with you legally.

  4. He seems to be getting around quite a bit these days.


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