Monday, February 27, 2012

My Tax Appeal Has Been Declined

Not only that, my CPA license has been revoked!

Before any of my readers elevate their blood pressure and try to collect for bail money for me, I need to tell you that these are just spam messages received in the last week.  There are a few plausibility problems:

  • I haven’t made a tax appeal.
  • I’m not a CPA to begin with.

Other than that … they have me pegged perfectly.


  1. Dearest Fossil, what makes you think that your "readers" will bail you out? They may throw away the key (you can keep your laptop) and, for your sins, feed you tax forms, through a hole in the wall, to be filled in pronto. That should keep you occupied for five minutes. Your reward? Spam for breakfast,lunch and dinner.

    Keep us posted as to life from the inside out.


    1. Gee, U ... do you think it's karma?

    2. I think that it is your karma. All the innocents that you screwed as a tax assessor in your last incarnation are now hounding you!

  2. When you get offers of free Red Top it will be time to worry! ;)

    1. When I get offers of free Red Top, it's time to celebrate!!!

  3. Replies
    1. You want me to work as your CPA, shackman? We may get adjacent cells.


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