Friday, January 27, 2012

The End is in Sight!


It is time for my semi-annual physical.  This year, I am told, it is time to schedule a …


Ahem.  There is no indication other than Father Time leading to this suggestion.  I’m sure it will be quite interesting.



  1. This is my year also to have a colonoscopy.
    My doctor is a beautiful young blonde, and all I can say is , I hope she does not extend the procedure, I have things to do.

    1. Anonymous, I wish you well. Somehow, I think her beauty - the doctor is female, right? - will be the last thing on your mind. But, if you are a guy, I could well be wrong.

  2. I wonder why it is not part of the Indian medical check up routine.

    1. Hmmm ... I wonder, too, Rummuser. It is done here every 5 or 10 years, depending upon the doctor and any indications of risk. I have had the less complete Sygmoidoscopy and the barium enema five years ago. There is nothing like being pumped full of barium - think liquid chalk! or Milk of Magnesia - pumped full of air, and tilted around on a table until the doc is satisfied they can see everything.

    2. I had blogged this video some time ago. I think that you should have a look at this and have some fun.

    3. Soon as I get back home, Rummuser. We are visiting some even older Fossils.

    4. Rummuser, that was great! As Yoda might say, "Enjoy it I did!"

  3. A colonoscopy is not yet part of our routine annual MOT for Seniors. I have had the test done a few years ago. I will give one word of advice: Go STRAIGHT home afterwards, they tell you for a reason! I was glad I heeded the word. I knew of one woman who knew better than the medics and she went shopping! I don't think she dared show her face in that shopping centre again!

    1. Trust me, Grannymar, I will follow that advice! That just doesn't sound like fun to me.

      As I said to Rummuser, we do it once every 5 or 10 years. Colon cancer is deadly, but highly treatable when caught early. My doc said if he walked down the street and randomly grabbed 100 people with no symptoms and seemingly quite healthy, 7 of them on average would have it.

  4. The preparation is the worst. It takes me off of salt for a month. The procedure is a piece of cake.
    Old Foss don't tell your friends when you are going to have it done, because the jokes start to fly. You will be the "butt" of the jokes.

    1. Actually, Mayo, I've heard very much the same from others about the prep and the procedure.

      Unfortunately, it is too late to close the barn door in general for me as far as being the butt of the jokes, butt I appreciate the help. LOL

  5. Old Foss---Don't worry, it's all "in your Butt". I hope they get all the "shit" out before the close the "barn door". Those cows are filthy things.

    1. Anonymous, gives a new meaning to "Where's the beef?"

  6. Colonoscopy? How refreshing!

    1. Lafawnda, you are the first to tell me that. That certainly makes me feel better!


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