Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Brain of Innocence ...

... suffered no damage!  The word just came in from the neurologist.

And, more good news: she is now walking around on her own!


  1. That is truly a Christmas miracle!

  2. Wonderful news! It is amazing how children can bounce back as if they were only taking a nap.


  4. @shackman

    I just got a message that the content has been blocked by the owners, but the message still comes through loud and clear! Thank you.

  5. Fantastic news … everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.
    blessings ~ maxi

  6. @Rummuser

    She is running around and those closest to her think she is just as she was. Except the gate and the screen door are now more secure!

    For your synchronicity file, three other kids drowned the same day in that area and Innocence is the only survivor. A couple of days earlier, a little boy of that age drowned - under water for 15 minutes - and recovered fully. The Children's Hospital says that they have more severe cases of injury and death to two-year olds than any other age, because that is the age when they are most surprisingly active and capable in ways they have never been before and the parents are not ready for it.


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